Alien Survivor revolves around the war between humans and alien monsters. They possess a large number and cause extremely annoying attack effects. However, humans still develop enough weapons to fight them, and these weapons can be upgraded when resources are collected. The stronger the attack system, the more enemies will disappear if they want to approach you. Strength is what needs to be focused on in this game, and each person will follow a different character build. Therefore, there are no special rules to guide the development of the character.
Earth welcomes the invasion of dangerous and extremely numerous enemies. They come from aliens and possess dangerous attacks. Therefore, the player plays the role of a special warrior and moves into dark areas to destroy them. Enemies often smell very well the scent of humans to quickly move and rush towards their prey. Players do not need to worry because the character is equipped with the power of modern technology. Destroying monsters becomes simple, and it becomes the basis for developing new weapons. From there, the battle will last for many different turns.
The enemy base has an extremely large space and allows players to move freely. This creates advantages in avoiding skills from enemies and collecting the necessary amount of experience. In particular, this is very prominent and has a blue diamond shape. This is the condition to unlock new modern weapons and improve long-range attacks. Some also bring effects on stats and allow players to create many different builds. This method is not the same in stages but will always be renewed over time. Therefore, the journey to destroy monsters becomes more interesting than ever.