TurboScan™ Pro becomes a great support tool in many working cases. Everyone can easily scan based on the instructions from the system. From there, fine-tuning their content or order also becomes more suitable for storage or sharing. The strength of the application lies in the detailed settings to scan documents with different sizes and characteristics. Everyone must check the features and process them automatically before exporting it into a complete file. This is not an unnecessary step but ensures that all content achieves the best quality.
TurboScan™ Pro supports any Android device to store simple paper documents through scanning. The scanning operation is not as complicated as specialized devices but is similar to an image editing application. For example, you will put an A4 sheet of paper on the table and use the application to capture all its pages. The system application is re-arranged into a logical sequence and forms a complete digital document. Your job now is to check the content and color adjustments generated by the algorithm. Therefore, processing a paper document becomes simple and convenient for users.
In some cases, users take advantage of manual editing to ensure the quality of the document. Everyone can easily control the content by adjusting the recognition frame. In addition, you should also take into account the characteristics of the document because A4 is the standard condition set. However, many important documents, such as ID cards, also need to be scanned, and the application will ensure that everything is handled in the best way. The application can store a large number of PDF files and share them quickly on different platforms. This also becomes a place to collect important documents.