The Sword of Rhivenia revolves around the story of the power struggle of the royal family, which is related to the treasure. The divine sword often decides the next successor, which has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the members. Therefore, a war breaks out, and the player can decide to join or stay away from this vortex. All choices lead to a different outcome and change the character’s stats. The gameplay interface is simple and helps to display the information most clearly. When you grasp the current situation, you are forced to consider it many times.
The Sword of Rhivenia tells the tragic story of three prince brothers. Each of them wants to be the successor to the throne, but the divine sword only chooses Charles. Therefore, a battle broke out for a long time, but fate decided everything. Prince Charles was the last survivor and became a great king of Rhivenia. His reign lasted for a very long time, and the real incident happened when he died. All forces wanted this powerful power, and you became one of the candidates. From there, will fate repeat itself again or not?
The plot of the game is set in a chaotic context and brings curiosity to everyone. They will accompany the main character, explore interesting chapters, and make the best choices. In particular, you have to change and develop the character’s stats through different events. The line between good and evil is always equal but will change when you decide to befriend or become a traitor to your allies. A normal life or becoming a great successor is also a problem for each player. In the end, the person chosen by the divine sword will become the king.