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Dome Keeper APK is an original roguelike survival miner that tasks players with defending their dome from hordes of monsters. It would be best if you used the downtime between attacks to scout the area for hidden treasures and artifacts and then use those finds to your advantage by deciding on potent buffs and upgrades.

If you take this step, you will be miles ahead of the competition. Dome Keeper is a video game in meticulously and skillfully crafted pixel art worlds. The game’s music combines melodic and synthetic creations with a sense of wonder and a jet-age aesthetic, creating an engaging and unique listening experience. You’ll want to play this game more than once and be disappointed if you can’t.


As part of this thrilling survival experience, you’ll have to defend yourself from an alien invasion. The similarities between Dome Keeper and the smash hit 20 Minutes Till Dawn are striking. Identifying the most effective strategy for development follows the successful collection of resources. To connect the gap between game creator Kingdom Two Crowns and the new monsters they’ve added, they’ve created a super survival product called Dome Keeper. This is made possible by preserving a player’s inventory and possessions upon death.

In Dome Keeper, you’ll have to fend off attacks from huge, ferocious monsters while defending your dome base. Your time spent doing this will account for most of your total game time. Between fights, the player is free to venture into the vast underworld in search of valuable loot. Through these tools, you can increase your defense level and receive rewards for your perseverance.


Dome Keeper is a video game with catchy tunes, exciting gameplay, and a strange yet familiar conflict. This battle comes to life in the game thanks to the stunning pixel art visuals and the fact that it takes place in space. You’ll have to dig tunnels if you want to get to the potentially game-changing artifacts and valuable resources under your dome. You’ll need to head back to the dome to prepare ahead of the next wave of enemies. How far into the cave do you hope to venture this time around? How much baggage can one person bring at one time?


If you take responsibility for your defenses, you will be better positioned to fend off alien invasions. If you want to keep your enemies from bringing down your dome, you need to list them, rank them in order of priority, and eliminate them one by one. These adversaries could be in the air or on the ground, and their movement could be either slow or rapid, depending on the situation.

The minerals you have gathered can be used to purchase various upgrades, such as improvements to your weapons, the impact of your drill, the maximum speed of your jetpack, and other features. The installation of these upgrades will increase the likelihood of you and your dome surviving. You should invest in powerful upgrades to make the most of your mineral haul and tap into its full potential.

Dome Keeper v3. APK (Full Game) Download

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You are now ready to download Dome Keeper for free. Here are some notes:

  • To prevent users from installing apk files from outside, Google Play has now added a warning when installing apks & mods. PlayProtect will tell you the file is harmful. Simply, just click “Install anyway (unsafe)”.

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